Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What Up

What's up, Blog World. Welcome to my blog. My name is ******* or you can just call me ABG, which is short for "Angry Biracial Geek", which also happens to be the name of my blog. Isn't that lovely?

Anyway, before I start venting, let me tell you all a little about myself. First of all, I am a "geek". Not to be confused with being a "nerd", who are extremely knowledgeable in stuff that is actually useful to society like math, science, and whatever keeps Madonna looking remotely attractive. No, being a "geek" means that I'm knowledgeable in useless crap that is usually only appealing to other geeks like video games, comic books, and Doctor Who. So, basically I am very well informed in stuff that only weird people, like me, care about and none of this knowledge, unless I'm very lucky (which I never am), will ever benefit me in any way. Kinda sad, I know, but hey, at least I can recite every line to Batman: Mask of the Phantasm by heart. Yay for that.

Second of all, I am what you would call "biracial". My mother was white and my father is black. What this means is that my peers like to tease me for not talking black enough, while the mall security follows me around for not looking white enough. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that people still haven't come up with a better name for us instead of "mulatto". Well, we do have the presidency (for now), so I really shouldn't complain about my ethnicity too much... but still, mulatto is the best you guys can do? Really? Even half n half sounds better, and I put that crud in my coffee. But I digress.

Thirdly, growing up as both biracial and a geek, I have seen a lot of dumb things in this world that has made me upset. "Angry", if you will (Examples of this would be: Skyrim's load times, the "Green Lantern" movie, and white people asking me why can't they use the N word). I felt like a blog would help me vent on some of those things that really upset me in life, but also allow me to share some things that are of interest to me too, so that I won't bum you guys out too much. Hence the name of this blog. So without further a do... here's my super geeky blog with mixed race undertones. Enjoy and thanks for listening to my rants. Peace.


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